Timothy Liau of MindfulHacks

When Tim was subjected to bullying during school, his mental health took a heavy toll. Now, he’s an advocate for mental health, working on ways to teach empathy to school kids.

Commissioned by World Health Organisation

Project We Forgot

No one taught Melissa how to feel when she watched her dad slowly slip away. Now, she shares her memories to inspire other young caregivers in their journey with dementia through Project We Forgot.

Designer and Animator: Khoo Siew May
Producer: Grace Baey
Executive Producer: Denise Oliveiro
Sound Designer: Nohghani

Commissioned by Our Better World

Cosmetic Fish Surgeon

Eugene Ng specialises in cosmetic surgery for Asian Arowanas, one of the world’s most expensive and coveted aquarium fish, offering a range of services such as eye lifts and chin jobs.

Commissioned by China Daily

A Mother’s Respite

Through Sanctuary Care, a mother finds respite and healing to become a better parent.

Commissioned by Our Better World

Filial Son of Bukit Merah

Undertaker Tommy Yu helps elderly persons living alone in Singapore fulfil their last rites.

Commissioned by Our Better World